Greetings and Shalom!
The year 2020 was a year of 2020 vision for our family. We always understood the evil in the world, but never knew how it had affected modern Christianity and the history of the Bible.
We prayed for The Lord to bring us understanding and to fill us with HIS truth. A few months after consistent praying for wisdom, truth, and discernment, we heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls, apocryphal books, and extra Biblical texts from a friend at Bible Study. (We started with the Books of Enoch and our minds were BLOWN!)
The more truth we discovered, the more our eyes were opened! We soon realized how difficult it was to find truthful children’s books to read our kids. As we continued praying about what we were learning, we felt Yahuah (LORD) place the thought in our minds: “you can write your own children’s books”. So that's what we decided to do! We are writing these books for our kids - Emmanuella, Harriette, Eden (waiting for us in Nigeria), and the kids that have yet to join our family. We’re parents with a love for truth and an excitement for what The Lord is teaching us. We hope you and your kids enjoy these books too, and they guide your family to worship El Elyon (The Most High God) in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)
-James & Kaylee
The Hidden Treasure of the
Did you know the bible was written by God?
He used His prophets, scribes, judges, kings, and disciples to write down whatever He spoke through them. They wrote down the history of everything that's happened since before creation!
Did you know that those same men wrote other books that are not included in our modern Bible?
God made sure His Living Word - the Bible, stood above all other writings. He did however inspire additional books through these same authors about history, wisdom, and prophecy.
Those books remained hidden in caves - like precious treasure, for over 1800 years for us to find and read one day! Those caves, called the Qumran caves, are just outside of Jerusalem near the Dead Sea. Those hidden treasures inside the caves are called
The Dead Sea Scrolls!
In place of the modern names of God and Jesus, we have restored them to the Hebrew transliteration. We want our kids to grow up knowing and using the true names of our Lord, and Messiah.
Hebrew names you will learn in this book:
Yahuah - LORD, One who breathes life
Elohiym - God
El Elyon - The Most High God
El Shaddai - God Almighty
Yahusha - Salvation, Savior (known as Jesus)
Yahusha Ha’ Mashiach - Salvation in the Messiah (known as Jesus Christ)
*We have chosen to use the Hebrew name Yahusha because it is the most accurate transliteration of the name given to the Messiah (Jesus). The name Yahusha means: I Am He who avenges, defends, delivers, helps, preserves, rescues, saves, brings salvation, your Savior, who brings you to victory.